Turnover threshold
Standard VAT rate
Measurement period
VAT rates
The term “taxable supplies” refers to supplies of goods and services subject to VAT. In Turkey, the following VAT rates apply:
The standard VAT rate applies to all supplies of goods or services, unless a specific measure provides for a reduced rate or exemption.
Turkish VAT for digital service providers
From 1 January 2018, distance sellers (i.e., no residence, business place, legal center and business center in Turkey) of electronic services to Turkish consumers (a B2C supply) are required to register for “Special VAT Registration for Electronic Service Providers“ and charge their clients with Turkish VAT. There is no registration threshold (i.e., all entities that make taxable supplies are obliged to register for VAT).
List of digital services that are the subject of Turkish VAT:
Late-registration penalties
In case of late registration, the following penalties could apply: